Crucible fall of edges *needs* to be removed

I want to write an in-depth feedback for #Update 3, but this needs to be addressed ASAP since this is the biggest thing holding me back from playing.

Falling of edges to your death in crucible, why? This is the most unfun mechanic, not to mention unfair.

I just quit the game, because I for 3rd time in a row was pushed off the edge by a off-screen mob, I had no chance to know or dodge.
You can be 1 room from Echo Knight, you got awesome boons, you are a tank with endless hp, but then you got knocked off the edge and ended the run, what is this ???

What is your obsession with fall off ledges in crucibles ??

So many maps in crucibles are designed with narrow pathways and then range enemies trying to knock you off, often to your death, instantly ending the run.

This is not fun devs. This is the reason people don’t want to play the crucibles, I don’t even know if I’m going back to NRFTW today after this.

Climbing in this game also don’t work the greatest, so why place you climb over places where you can fall down and die and end your run??

What is the game, and the crucibles about?
Avoiding range enemies while navigating narrow pathways?
Die from a push?

No, the game is about ability points
Items & loot
Infuse weapons
Skill based combat

You read that right SKILL based combat. Not falling off a cliff and ending your run, or climbing with a semi-working climbing system, that 50/50 will drop you and end your run. Why are all these even factors in the crucible?

If your crucible run ends it should be because you were killed by an enemy.

The last 10 runs I did I was ONLY killed by Echo Knight, or else I was knocked off map.

Think about that…

10 runs, not one time I was killed by a regular enemy, I was knocked off the map and died that way.


Not to mention, so many places in the crucible where you climb up, and the first second you get up, a bomb-enemy explodes and knocks you off and ends your run.

Or you climb up, and within 100ms a mob running towards you and knock you off, even if you see it and spam the dodge button, nothing you can do, your run just ended.

If you expect plays to spend many hours in this mode, the mode should depend on player skill and not randomness or poorly designed maps.

When a run ends, the play should feel it was his/hers fault it ended. It should never be so the player feels the run ended because of something they had no control over.

Cannot confirm those experiences. Neither do I get targeted off screen by enemies.

Yes, some arenas are quite dangerous, but you can easely adjust your positioning and kite the enemies to places where you think you can safely fight them.

I am stricktly against covering maps with protective foam to safeguard players. Fighting there is possible and a learn to play issue.

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Sadly many Gamers these days don’t want to improve or get better at the game, they just want the game to get easier for them.

I think there are things the devs can do to improve some of the ledge mechanics. But it should definitely not be removed.

Sometimes, the ledge knock-off is your friend.


Um… The vine climbing is a bit funky.

In this new patch, one of the new arenas in crucible, I was climbing and doing the usual (hold-run button) to leap climb thingy, and mid-way into the climb my char stopped climbing and fell to it’s death. I haven’t been able to recreate this behavior, but its also because I don’t sprint climb in this specific room anymore… Feels flimsy.

I never fell off a ladder until this Crucible Arena update.

Putting that aside, the OP is right about 1 other thing – Most enemies till this day STILL charge Off-screen…

It’s annoying and no, this isn’t a learn-to-play issue – You CAN’T see anything, but the idea is, assume something IS coming for you, and you preemptively spam dodge to avoid the BS – Which is exactly what I do when cliff climbing to the top, and the camera refuses to Zoom-out etc.

It’s not a good design move, its "Hey, I learned this sucks so spam dodge like an idiot because something is likely charging at my location and viola, its a fat green dude, or the BIG 2-handed Spare dudes that initial charge 2x, or a punk-ass echoknight with a 2h war-hammer.

Anyway, I love this game, but yea, i agree its a problem.

Everything else OP, you do need to just observe the narrow passages, and kite a mob towards you, or Blitz with some stagger heavy/dmg heavy rune-attks for those skinny-ledge moments where a long-fight will get you killed.

Take a look at this example:

This guy spends nearly 1 hour to get to Echo Knight, and he gets knocked off in less than 1 minute.
Instant death at every ledge might be a bit too much. No enemies can instant kill you, but a ledge can.

not that it leads any credence but I watched the first 10 minutes up to where he loses against EK, where does he say he spent an hour straight in Crucible trying to get there? The video is 30 minutes long.


I’m not sure if ledge protection is needed.

I quite enjoy shoving enemies off of ledges and feel like the same should be applied to me. If I play recklessly around ledges I should be punished for it.

Now, when I first played the Crucible most of my deaths were to ledges as well. Mainly because I have poor depth perception and sometimes struggle to predict where I will land if I jump of from a certain spot and a specific angle. Most of these became less of an issue when I stopped using WASD for exploration and used Cursor movement - which is better for exploration. But, has a lot of yank in combat. I do think that rather than adding ledge protection Keyboard and Mouse Controls could do with some QoL. As the game seems to be mostly designed with Controller in mind. What I mean with this is mostly the diagonal movement limitations on KB&M.

I do also agree with the people saying it is your own fault. At some point you have to change your approach and adapt. My first Crucible runs went poorly and now I am having zero issues with it.

Charging Enemies

I do think a much needed change is the camera on these situations. As the game is designed to explore relative from the Southern side. Thus exploring towards you, the player, will always limit your view. As you can’t see ahead since the camera does not rotate.

Some nice needed QoL would be if the camera zoomed out and slightly panned ahead so you can actually see the enemy. Or maybe an exclamation mark with an arrow pointing in the direction of an enemy.

These issues mostly occur when traversing in a Southern direction since the game is designed to explore in a Northern direction. Our view is expanded when we head North and limited when we head South.

Realistically speaking our character should have sight of the enemies, but we as players don’t. I don’t think camera rotation would be a good change as it can ruin the aesthetics. But, a zoom out and pan would be a welcome change. I have learned at this point that when I am exploring in a Southern direction to just walk and run since I can’t see what is coming.


This video makes a point for me, though.

This guy plays really bad and showcases all the mistakes players make, whitch I mentioned earlier: he never dodges attacks and just facetanks; he does not pay attention to enemy’s special attacks and gets knocked down a lot, like around 8-10min mark; when he dies at 16min he fights in a tight spot and positions himself near the ledge; severe lack of situational awareness.

There is so much room for improvement to his playstyle. 100% learn to play issue.


Completely preventing you from falling off heights is lame, but its also lame when the current design of the Crucible makes it so 90% the risk of death comes from falling off a pit
It could honestly just take away a lot of health and bring you back briefly staggered if youre in the crucible


“My only problem now is falling down in the crucible. I’ve finished Elden Ring, Sekiro, and Lies of P, but this seems like a joke. 80% of the weapon movesets, during combat, make you fall down and die, that’s it. My god, did I really pay 30+ euros for this? Is it really not possible to do something like if you fall you come back up with half your health or some other way?”

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lol, you cant confirm? what Game are you plying? sorry but this is ridicolous.

The weapon move sets don’t do that, you as a player cause this. This is mostly inexperience with the game and becomes a non factor as you learn to position yourself instead of just flailing around your weapon.

Most of these issues with falling down ledges are caused by a lack of patience and a lack of situational awareness → play slower and analyze the situation relative to your character.

Some tips as many seem to struggle with it:

  • Don’t fight near ledges and reposition to a wider area if possible
  • If ledges are unavoidable, fight parallel with the ledge and avoid attacking towards a ledge
  • Or pull the mobs and reposition them to a more open area.
  • Some enemies stand near a ledge so wait until they turn their back to you or anticipate their attack and dodge
  • Take your time and don’t mindlessly hit the attack button as some move sets have your character moving forward
  • Have enough poise defense to override enemy attack patterns

elden ring has a nice solution to this: while a player is in an attack animation, they can never fall of ledges that would kill them. its like an invisible wall. you can still get knocked off by enemies or run of the ledge, if u wish to sudoku (yeah yeah i know seppuku, thats a boomer joke, ok).
So this would prevent to blink off ledges with blink rune or charge off with charge attacks etc. in every other situation i agree with the others here:

if you get knocked off the ledge or walk off by accident, well thats solely on you.


I like this idea.

Something new this time around, Echo Knights randomly blinking…

One random time, an Echo Knight blinked towards a ledge, and poof, fell to its death.

I was mid-combo and almost died too - Luckily my 2nd swing wasn’t the slight lunge, but if my 3rd strike executed (2h Summer’s Sting,) I may have fallen in too.

Man, I was definitely going to be annoyed as hell had my whiffed combo swing magnetically tossed me off the ledge with the dumb knight who attempted to BLINK-juke me to its death.

Mages do this nonsense too but, I never saw a mage blink to its death the way the echo-knight did, so I can’t call fault on enemy mage blink(s) just yet…

This would be the perfect solution IMO. Take away maybe 50-80% hp and come back briefly staggered.

mate, i dont know why you write this, is pretty funny, maybe we paly a dufferent game…if you want i can take a video.

on a bridge can i reposition something?no mate, impossible. when there are 5 enemy can i reposition something?

mate , whit multiple enemy as mage or another fire can i play slower?

im not a blind fan boy, sorry open your eyes.

yeah sorry cohh is just button mashing at this point haha, but that’s also my criticism about certain weapons’ animations. some are just uncontrollable. and make you dash around like crazy, while only giving good dps when you keep on mashing attack. it feels like an unstable glasscannon build when you are in the wrong environment.

But in general that for me is just the ARPG element of this game. at one point you just reach a power level where you allow yourself to just do dumb button mashing, because it works now, you earned it^^

So I’d say it’s highly dependent on the build, I have a high poise build, I NEVER get pushed around, i stand still, facetank and slap everyone with my huge 2 handed sword.

My rogue on the other hand often times misses his dash attack and then just falls off a cliff which is super annoying, but just needs more training and finesse. so if you have a zero poise dodge build, YOU REALLY NEED TO DODGE in the right direction, while having enough stamina, while zoning enemies right, etc. there is way more involved than just facetanking everything, but then you free yourself from requiring super tanky gear and can go full attack/focus/life steal

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the problem is that it’s too easy to “miss”, i don’t want most of my time learning the game to be not being knocked off a ledge, it’s just not fun to play minding 90% of the time not to fall.

I have mine peeled, especially around ledges, might I suggest you do the same.

Falling of ledges is either a skill or build issue, and my tips still stand as advice. People have had this issue with the old Crucible and managed to overcome it - you can do the same.

Again depends on your build how to approach the situation.

  • Tanky build with enough poise defense to override their attacks with yours
  • Off-hand weapon with blink to reposition
  • AOE rune with i-frames → Eruption for 2h weapons to just one-shot them
  • Ranged weapon to damage them from afar
  • Shove them off to their death
  • Weapon throw rune which staggers and you can spam

You have enough tools at your disposal to overcome those challenges.

Observe the situation before you run in. Do you have a plan to deal with groups of enemies? AOE runes are very powerful else you might wanna pull one enemy at a time. If that isn’t an option wait out attack patterns and use one-shot runes on enemies and a follow up attack if needed. And just eliminate them one by one.

I and many others have given plenty of advice at this point.

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