Cool (ish) (i'll be back)

I came back to try the Crucible update. I’m not much of a rogue-lite fan (maybe it will grow on me), and I’m not sure where the loot drops are. My character is squishy as hell. 1 - 2 shot by basic mobs.

In the old crucible, powerful loot would drop in every room.

All the gameplay updates are well done and look/feel nice.

Played 45 minutes lol… I’ll be back when devs add more MSQ and overworld areas. POE league tomorrow, so poor timing.

  • This game has such satisfying combat, visuals, sound design, etc. I’ll be way more interested in new interesting quests, new areas, new weapons, MSQ. Quality over quantity gamer here.

Worth noting that my two very powerful characters from 3 months ago feel nerfed into the ground. One basically does no damage, but is pretty tanky and the other does decent dmg but gets tickled and is dead.

Not sure what balance updates happened between then and now, but I couldn’t be bothered to go farm the overworld AGAIN for a completely new kit.

*Think I’ll come back after I’m done with new POE league and start a fresh 3rd character