Combat is missing something methinks

I’d like to start off by saying that I do enjoy the combat in this game quite a lot, attacks have a good weight behind them and special moves are usually interesting. However the problem lies in the way that attacks themselves have too little impact. The most it does is shake the screen; there isn’t enough of a visual indicator that your attack connected. larger weapons, which is what i prefer to fight with the most, have an extremely slow windup for very little payoff outside of the damage number. I have experimented with smaller weapons and while they are nice it sort of feels like my attacks are going through the enemy rather than hitting them more often than not. Parrying is a big part of my play style in any of these types of games and I am more than happy with how it feels to parry a move in this game. However, tying into the aforementioned impact issue, there is very little payoff to hitting a parry. In the instant it happens it feels wonderful, the brief slowdown on a successful parry is a great way to emphasize the instant you are in complete control of the current fight. Afterwards though, there is very little to do other than to charge a heavy attack or use an ability. While the abilities, as flashy and entertaining as they may be, also lack this sort of connection when my sword or hammer hits an enemy. This game would greatly benefit from some sort of riposte feature that’s a staple, dare I say a necessity, in this sort of game. Thank you for taking the time to read my feedback and keep up the good work !!!

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I would like to add on that I almost exclusively use the greathammer and claymore (which aren’t great in their own right but it’s just my preference) so this could very well just be a heavy weapons issue.

I think heavy weapons need an overhaul. They are too slow compared to lighter weapons.

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