Boss attacks telegraphs

It’s a minor feedback. I want to say that it is important that attack telegraphs are distinctive enough that we are able to say the difference after some attempts if we pay attention.

Especially if some attacks can be parried and some not - in Wicked mobs/bosses do not flash bright red to communicate that. It is even more important because camera is static and we can see the fight from all different angles which makes things much harder.

And for the most part this is all good but here is an example of when it is not:

On this short vid there are 2 different attacks from EK, afaik first one can’t be parried, second one can be.
Even after rewatching this replay couple of times i can’t say what is the big difference in their windup animations that i could spot in the heat of the battle. There is probably some subtle difference that my brain will subconsciously spot moving forward, but i wish it was more distinctive instead.

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