안녕하세요 저는 South Korea에 살고 있습니다.
전 application load error 30000065432 이 문제 때문에 게임 접속을 못하고 있어요 다른 Steam Game들은 잘 되는데 No Rest for the Wicked 만 게임 실행을 하면 이런 문제가 발생합니다 어제까지만 해도 한 두번 Error가 생기고 접속이 되더니 오늘은 그마저도 안되고 있어요 해결 방법을 찾으려 인터넷을 참고 했지만 그마저도 안되고 있습니다.
무었 때문인지 알 수가 없어서 글 남겨 봅니다. 해결 방안이 있으면 답변 주시면 감사하겠습니다
다음 Patch도 기다려 집니다
Have a nice day.
i ran this through an AI translator, so we all know what is going on. hope the translation is ok:
“Hello, I live in South Korea.
I am unable to access the game due to the application load error 30000065432. Other Steam games work fine, but when I try to run ‘No Rest for the Wicked,’ this problem occurs. Until yesterday, I could get past the error after one or two tries, but today I can’t get through at all. I tried to find a solution on the internet, but that didn’t work either.
I am leaving this message because I can’t figure out the cause. I would appreciate it if you could provide a solution.
I am also looking forward to the next patch.”
while i do not know what causes the error, i can only assume, that it would help the team, if you could send some logfiles.
it should be similar to the process described here: How to Make a Performance Capture
under 8.:
- Other necessary files we need:
- DxDiag (hardware info) - How to get DxDiag report
- Player log -
%AppData%\..\LocalLow\Moon Studios\NoRestForTheWicked
→ Player.log files.- Save files -
%AppData%\..\LocalLow\Moon Studios\NoRestForTheWicked
→ DataStore folder- Graphics settings - Screen capture your Display and Graphics tabs in Game Settings and save them as
답변 감사합니다
저의 메일을 남기니 저의 메일로 메일 주소 좀 보내 주세요 그럼 자료 보내겠습니다
translation: “Thank you for your response.
I am leaving my email, so please send your email address to my email. Then I will send the materials.”
you can send the logfiles to the dev team as stated in the above linked post:
How to send us the files
Please upload all of these files externally to websites such as wetransfer.com or to your Google Drive/OneDrive account and DM the link to us here on the forum:
- Scroll down the left sidebar to DMs:
- Click on the ‘+’ icon on the left sidebar:
- Add the
group to the chat:
- Click on ‘Create group chat’:
And send us the link over there!
By sending the report, you agree to send your logs and diagnostic information, which will only be used to help diagnose and solve the issue reported and improve our services, subject to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.
Take-Two Terms of Service
Privacy Policy
잘 해결 되어서 게임을 즐길 수 있었으면 좋겠습니다
당신들의 노력에 감사하고 게임이 많은 사람들 한테 사랑 받기를 기원합니다 ^^
잘 해결 되어서 게임을 즐길 수 있었으면 좋겠습니다
당신들의 노력에 감사하고 게임이 많은 사람들 한테 사랑 받기를 기원합니다 ^^
translation: Hello, I hope everything gets resolved so that you can enjoy the game. Thank you for your efforts, and I wish for the game to be loved by many people. ^^
thank you for sharing the files. since there is a bigger update coming soon (25th) i am not sure when the team can have a look at those files. be patient. and i hope the issue is resolved soon.