Wrong lighting in 30s house

After upgrading to latest patch, at 17:01 game time, the lighting in the 30s hose in sacrament is wrong, definitely too bright, like a very dense white fog.

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Don’t know if time matters but I can confirm that this glitch went away in a different game time

oh yep that doesn’t look right, thanks will send to the art department

This lighting bug is annoying because it blocks the view and for some weird reason having an object and vault over it makes the light disappear for the visit but it comes back.


hey yep, we have identified the issue thanks

Hello developers, when I enter my house, which is located up the steps from Maker Danos, and especially during the day, a bright unnatural light hits and the whole atmosphere is lost.

Can you provide video please.

is it the same as here: Wrong lighting in 30s house

and is this topic related to your issue Crucible run on Steam Deck - Video as requested by Steve - #2 by Chemile0n

if yes, i can merge the video link here, so that everything is in one place. Let me know if i can help with that :slight_smile:

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Hello, I can only send a photo because I couldn’t upload a video here, I tried

I moved this to the existing topic about the issue, to keep things together.

@Caiden_Boulton the issue seems to still be present on current built.
@Steve_Jewer hope its ok to move these threads together to keep it “clean and organized” :slight_smile:

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