Will there be ultrawide support?

I recently bought my first ultrawide monitor and was wondering if the game will support 3440 x 1440p?

Yep, Dev confirmed on the Steam forum FAQ: No Rest for the Wicked :: Steam Community


Nice! Thank you, now Im even more exited for the game.

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Hmmm no sure if I missed something but they announced 21:9 but on my 49" only seeing the following

Same here they announced 21:9 but no option for this.

This games is gorgeous plz let us play it in ultra wide !

We absolutely will! This is some weird bug, will be patched up :slight_smile:

Can confirm ultrawide works and is beautiful

I was also not able to get full screen on my 49" UW. I have the same options as you.

I can understand they don’t implement the 32:9 ratio.

On one hand extending left and right :

  • would give a certain advantage compare to other people because would show too much what other players may no see
  • may require more gpu and thus cause bad experience for some players having a lower gpu

Some games rather than extending cut from top/bottom, what is also not a nice experience.

But nowadays 21:9 would be good if we got it. Devs announced it but isn’t clear if it’s already part of the early access or if it’s planned for later on.

Post above claims ultra wide works (21:9 ???) if that’s the case, then maybe there is a bug in the game.

Would be nice to have some feedback from devs if it’s there or if there is a bug :stuck_out_tongue: