Same issue, never happened before the Early Access Patch 1!
This issue quite literally repeats itself for me in Crucible almost every single run. There is a specific part of Crucible where this Audio bug occurs almost gauranteed.
The section of Crucible that has the Large tree with stairs surrounding it. When you first enter and stop at the edge of the entrance area to fight the first knight and mage (near the birch tree), the sound will cut almost 100% of the time. Easily reproduceable.
I concur, thats where it happened to me the first time, and subsequent runs.
Just been playing for a couple of hours and the same thing happened to me, it’s multiple actions and events, even dialogue mutes.
I’m running through a TV, so it’s just the two speakers, and don’t have a multiple sound set up.
Hi! Same issue here today. Sound very faraway/reverb only on the dialogue after the 1st boss Warrick the Torn, when Ellsworth welcomes you into Sacrament at the gate. My setup is in Windows Sound as 7.1 surround but it works fine otherwise for all channels including the centre channel, just tested it afterwards based on your suggestion of the non-stereo issue.