Please let us cancel the Plague Ichor upgrade screen!

PLEASE let us cancel the Plague Ichor upgrade screen so we can check which one we really need. We are forced to choose one without being able to check.


Yes, I agree…!! ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ


I agree, even if not a full cancel at least let us pause to check ourselves, or show currently unlocked #/# below or as a minor qol. This doesnt come up much but should be added for the times it does.

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Cosigned and upvote.

Random sentence to fulfil character limit.

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You check before you engage the watcher.
Forced is a REACH of wording.

Look at your inventory to see the boxes locked off at the bottom you can expand, and just to be super clear… the icon that goes with the category you want to enhance so when you pick its easy pickings from all the icons…
You just check it beforehand, and the other icons make enough sense to what they go to…

Its already so simple,…a prior look before you engage the watcher.

Yeah because adding a cancel option is REALLY difficult.


It’s a nice to have QOL aspect for sure, and worth mentioning.
But as if you don’t already know what you want prior to getting there…
I’m sure it will be added in due time once their main priorities are done.