Help life/focus bar

I don’t know if its only me, but I think that those disappearing helping bars that shows on the character during damages should be constant during a fight. Naturally they would need some rework to not disturb. Could be just a fine line or maybe linear, not circular. The point is, they should appear always during a fight.

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I believe more HUD options were talked about in a post somewhere. I personally would like to turn off JUST the Player Pop-up Health Bar that appears next to the player. I like seeing Focus and Stamina near the player but the big red health bar in the upper left is more than enough. Seeing red looking at my characters is distracting for me personally.

I think the ability to toggle HUD options would be a nice QoL. I don’t need to see the time either…other than Finley it has no use as Night and Day don’t matter or are even really noticeable since night time is still very bright when including the fake light aura around the player.


Yes, I myself would like to move some hud objects, like the character’s status (life, focus), along the horizontal, because I have an ultrawide screen, and some HUD objects stays quite far from our “circle of attention”.