For the third time already! Russian Font Difference!

Greetings! Guys, im writing similar post for the third time already. PLEASE change Russian Font!
Its compeletely different from other languages! (still dont understand why did you do this)
Previous posts: Russian Text still not fixed! Russian Font difference!
I was hoping on some changes in Patch 2 but… same issues!
Here are some new screenshots with old problems

Last screenshot shows a bit closer look to font difference (if someone didn’t notice). And there is another thing that needs to be fixed but ill save it for later:

Main problem - is missing text about already learned recipe on russian language.

As for the font, most games have a bad russian font :frowning:

The one in the game is an acceptable, but of course we want to see it better.

I think it’s low priority problem. Missing words and coming out over the edges words are more important.

Thank you for the report, will send over to our localization team!

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