Bugs/visual issues on cats

I’m making a single report about these two issues because everything is probably related together. Did not try on dogs to see if the problems persist.

I tried to pet a cat in front of Carolin’s Inn and ended up in a sort of frozen/standing state; but as the cat was walking my character followed it while sliding in standing position. This went on for a fw seconds then the cat stopped, and the animation for petting it started. Could not replicate in anyway, and I didn’t catch it on video. My character was walking normally after.

While searching for a way to recreate this bug, I stumbled upon an orange cat that was stuck on a small ledge near the table in front of the pantry and was also slightly glitched. I tried patting it, and my character became permanently stuck in the same standing position as the previous bug; however, this time the only way out was going back to the main menu, as the pet animation never started.

Here are three videos of the bug: one of the glitched cat, one of me after petting the cat and getting stuck and one of me going back to main menu to free the character.
WeTransfer: Unique Download Link | WeTransfer

I just realized I didn’t catch on video the moment of me petting the cat… but the bug can be recreated, as I saw the same cat stuck in the same place and in the same condition after I took the video.

Here are the player logs: Unique Download Link | WeTransfer

hey thank you for the report!