Hello, Too many generic chest & hole digging - Please add more graphic diversity for the small reward - it can be inside a vase, loot on a cadavers, pile of bones, hidden in a trunk of a tree … This lack of diversity is making the hunt generic when the game is full of identity.
Sure I’d subscribe to this idea, although I’d rather them not prioritize on it just yet. Maybe when we get closer to 1.0 release. For EA and the amount of worldspace we have currently I think we’re fine.
Bear in mind we are not meant to be playing the game too much at this state. If things like this start to feel boring for you at say, the 50hr mark then I guess we’re in a pretty good place.
I would also suggest that (maybe as an option) would be able to activate one-click looting… so if we open a chest, we stuff everything in the bag without looking at it twice.
Same for dropped loot from trees ores holes…