In the lodge where there’s a farm near the quarry, there are some invisible boxes that blocked the chest. I had to roll to break the boxes/barrels in order to get to the chest.
The VFX of long sword rune attack would remain in the air(partially) after the animation is complete, a visual glitch that is, not sure if it would happen all the time.
I infused my long halberd with a gyrating attack that I extracted from a pickaxe, apparently, it plays the same animation as if I’m wielding a long sword or a single handed weapon, and I’m basically still holding my halberd… Guess eventually we’re gonna restrict the runes for different weapon types
The gate near the storage room won’t open after I pulled the lever. It showed open only after I exited to the menu and then re-entered into game.
Wolf corpse specifically has a bugged ragdoll effect – it would go bonkers gyrating all around looking glitched like insane. First time I saw it I thought it was just a minor glitch, but this has been consistently happening in my game so there could be something wrong with it fundamentally.
Might not be a bug but donating materials to the construction projects sometimes won’t register, i.e. when I click on the ‘contribute’ button, nothing happens, sometimes I had to do it multiple times for it to register, also am pretty sure it’s not caused by my mis-clicking, it just does not register sometimes, not sure if it is a network glitch since I assume you need to send a request to start the timer on server side for construction projects?
Potential VFX issue: when performing a heavy attack with halberd, there’s no visual signs like other weapons, it’s subtle but for instance long sword, there’s a ring like VFX around character’s wrist to indicate it’s a heavy attack. This does not happen for the halberd heavy attack. I’m not sure if this is intended, though
Potential VFX issue: infusing my halberd with the plague-damage gem(the purple one) won’t give it any VFX, I’ve infused my long sword with the lightning gem and it gives the lightning effect around it. It’s either there’s no VFX for plague gem, or there is, but the halberd is bugged, or it’s the gem itself bugged.
I will post more on discovering more issues. Thanks!